CSS: Flex Box not printing all pages on Firefox

Having looked into this for a bit now, I’m still not sure what about Firefox causes printing flex containers to be cut off. I found some extremely old bug reports on Bugzilla (eg. https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=258397), but they had something to do with overflow properties on the body tag. Unfortunately, trying to adjust the overflow of body … Read more

Python 3 print without parentheses

Although you need a pair of parentheses to print in Python 3, you no longer need a space after print, because it’s a function. So that’s only a single extra character. If you still find typing a single pair of parentheses to be “unnecessarily time-consuming,” you can do p = print and save a few … Read more

CSS and Printing : Keep block of text together

I haven’t ever had luck with consistently preventing something like that. It may be a bit dirty, but if the questions are usually of the sameish length can you force a page-break after every X questions? <style type=”text/css”> .pageBreak{ page-break-before: always; } </style> <question>…</question><br class=”pageBreak” /> <question>…</question> (Or apply that class to the question or … Read more

Open a new javascript window(.open) along with its CSS styling

Build a complete HTML page in the opened window and reference your CSS-file there: var win = window.open(”,’printwindow’); win.document.write(‘<html><head><title>Print it!</title><link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18758288/styles.css”></head><body>’); win.document.write($(“#content”).html()); win.document.write(‘</body></html>’); win.print(); win.close();

Writing a Virtual Printer in .NET [closed]

Did exactly what you are asking using the Github project: Microsoft/Windows-driver-samples/print/XPSDrvSmpl https://github.com/Microsoft/Windows-driver-samples/tree/master/print/XPSDrvSmpl Installer: http://wixtoolset.org/ Application: Listen to internal port Flow: Install printer and application from a single installer. User prints something with your driver while the application listens to the internal port. When data is sent the application picks it up. This is for XPS, … Read more