How to detect significant change / trend in a time series data? [closed]

As has been pointed out already, you’re not looking for the derivative. You’re really looking for a “significant change” detection algorithm for a time series. You’ll certainly want a smoothing filter (and the moving average filter is fine — see Bjorn’s answer for this part). But in addition to the smoothing filter, you will also … Read more

What range of numbers can be represented in a 16-, 32- and 64-bit IEEE-754 systems?

For a given IEEE-754 floating point number X, if 2^E <= abs(X) < 2^(E+1) then the distance from X to the next largest representable floating point number (epsilon) is: epsilon = 2^(E-52) % For a 64-bit float (double precision) epsilon = 2^(E-23) % For a 32-bit float (single precision) epsilon = 2^(E-10) % For a … Read more