JavaScript simulate right click through code

try this instead, reason what things didn’t quite work is that the context menu is in fact bound to the oncontextmenu event. function contextMenuClick(element){ var evt = element.ownerDocument.createEvent(‘MouseEvents’); var RIGHT_CLICK_BUTTON_CODE = 2; // the same for FF and IE evt.initMouseEvent(‘contextmenu’, true, true, element.ownerDocument.defaultView, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, RIGHT_CLICK_BUTTON_CODE, null); if … Read more

Capture mouse clicks on WPF TextBox

TextBox Class TextBox has built-in handling for the bubbling MouseUp and MouseDown events. Consequently, custom event handlers that listen for MouseUp or MouseDown events from a TextBox will not be called. If you need to respond to these events, listen for the tunneling PreviewMouseUp and PreviewMouseDown events instead, or register the handlers with the HandledEventsToo … Read more

What is the best way to simulate a Click with MouseUp & MouseDown events or otherwise?

I would use a Button control and overwrite the Button.Template to just show the content directly. <ControlTemplate x:Key=”ContentOnlyTemplate” TargetType=”{x:Type Button}”> <ContentPresenter /> </ControlTemplate> <Button Template=”{StaticResource ContentOnlyTemplate}”> <Label Content=”Test”/> </Button>

What are the proper typescript types for addEventListener mousemove and its event argument?

What are the proper typescript types for addEventListener mousemove and it’s event argument? Being explicit will set you free: onMouseMove: { (event: MouseEvent): void } = (event: MouseEvent) => { } Or, let TypeScript infer it from assignment 🌹: onMouseMove = (event: MouseEvent) => { }

mousewheel event is not triggering in firefox browser

This is 2017 and the right answer is now: $(window).on(‘wheel’, function(event){ // deltaY obviously records vertical scroll, deltaX and deltaZ exist too if(event.originalEvent.deltaY < 0){ // wheeled up } else { // wheeled down } }); Works with current Firefox 51, Chrome 56, IE9+ Note: The value of the deltas will depend on the browser … Read more

How to display picture and get mouse click coordinate on it [closed]

Yes it is possible and pretty easy once you understand tkinter, here’s a quick script: from Tkinter import * from tkFileDialog import askopenfilename import Image, ImageTk if __name__ == “__main__”: root = Tk() #setting up a tkinter canvas with scrollbars frame = Frame(root, bd=2, relief=SUNKEN) frame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1) frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) xscroll = Scrollbar(frame, orient=HORIZONTAL) xscroll.grid(row=1, column=0, … Read more

Getting MouseMoveEvents in Qt

You can use an event filter on the application. Define and implement bool MainWindow::eventFilter(QObject*, QEvent*). For example bool MainWindow::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event) { if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseMove) { QMouseEvent *mouseEvent = static_cast<QMouseEvent*>(event); statusBar()->showMessage(QString(“Mouse move (%1,%2)”).arg(mouseEvent->pos().x()).arg(mouseEvent->pos().y())); } return false; } Install the event filter when the MainWindows is constructed (or somewhere else). For example MainWindow::MainWindow(…) { … Read more

WPF MouseDown event not firing everywhere in a control

<StackPanel Background=”Transparent” … > or <Border Background=”Transparent” … > should do the trick… This makes the grid transparent, however visible for mouse-clicks. Look here form more Information. There are some other circumstances, where you have to use the PreviewXXX– event, this is when a child element “swallows” the event away, but in your case, the … Read more

WPF/MVVM – how to handle double-click on TreeViewItems in the ViewModel?

Updating my answer a bit. I’ve tried alot of different approaches for this and I still feel like Attached Behaviors is the best solution. Although it might look like alot of overhead in the begining it really isn’t. I keep all of my behaviors for ICommands in the same place and whenever I need support … Read more