How can I decide what to put in my CMakeList.txt’s cmake_minimum_required call?

The cmake_minimum_required() function is used to avoid any cryptic error messages due to the CMakeLists.txt assuming a later version of CMake than the one installed on the current host. As an example, failing early, and with a clear message… CMake 3.2 or higher is required. You are running version …is to be preferred over … Read more

Maximum value for Float in Java?

Yes, -Float.MAX_VALUE is the negative number with largest magnitude. floats are represented the same way as doubles, just with half the storage space (and the accompanying loss of precision.) Since signs in IEEE 754 are represented by a single bit, flipping that bit doesn’t change the overall magnitude attainable by the remaining bits.

DataAnnotations StringLength Attribute MVC – without max value

Is there a way to only specify only a minimum length? Perhaps another attribute i can use? Using the standard data annotation, No. You must specify the MaximumLength. Only the other parameters are optional. In such a case, I’d recommend something like this: [StringLength(int.MaxValue, MinimumLength = 7)] You can also use a Regex (regular expression) … Read more

Why isn’t the CSS property ‘line-height’ letting me make tight line-spaces in Chrome?

I’ve noticed in both Firefox and Chrome that if you set the HTML5 doctype there’s a minimum line-height for inline elements. For block elements you can set the line-height to whatever you want, even make the lines overlap. If you don’t set the HTML5 doctype, there’s no minimum line-height for either block or inline elements.