How do I know if my PostgreSQL server is using the “C” locale?

Currently some locale [docs] support can only be set at initdb time, but I think the one relevant to _pattern_ops can be modified via SET at runtime, LC_COLLATE. To see the set values you can use the SHOW command. For example: SHOW LC_COLLATE _pattern_ops indexes are useful in columns that use pattern matching constructs, like … Read more

How to validate a locale in java?

I do not know ULocale, but if you mean java.util.Locale, the following code may do: public void setResources(String locale) { // validate locale Locale lo = parseLocale(locale); if (isValid(lo)) { System.out.println(lo.getDisplayCountry()); } else { System.out.println(“invalid: ” + locale); } } private Locale parseLocale(String locale) { String[] parts = locale.split(“_”); switch (parts.length) { case 3: return … Read more
