Show .idea folder in PhpStorm project tool window

For .idea there is dedicated registry setting for it as well (it is enabled by default for me, in PhpStorm at very least) Help | Find Action… and look for registry (or via Maintenance Ctrl+Alt+Shift+/ on Windows using Default keymap) Once inside — look for entry Adjust accordingly (before leaving window — ensure that … Read more

How to disable special naming convention inspection of PEP 8 in PyCharm

Since PyCharm 2.7 you can hover over the inspected code and use the to Ignore errors like this. Further more you can manage the ignored errors at Settings > Editor > Inspections > Python > PEP 8 naming convention violation > Ignored errors Tested in PyCharm Community Edition 2016.3.2 Edit: To remove the modification later … Read more

JetBrains Resharper 9 Ultimate Test Runner error: NUnit.Core.UnsupportedFrameworkException: Skipped loading assembly {MyAssembly}

As mentioned in the accepted answer, ReSharper 9 does not support NUnit 3. The solution as stated does work (i.e. update to ReSharper 10), however, for those who do not have this option (e.g. licensing), you can downgrade your version of NUnit by following the below steps: Open Nuget Package Manager Console by going to … Read more

What is the ‘Resource Root’ designation for in PHPStorm? For that matter, what does PHPStorm consider to be a resource?

I can answer anecdotally that URL paths will be resolved against “resource roots” where applicable. For instance, in HTML <a href=”…”> or <img src=”…”> elements, relative URLs are looked up against resource roots. When you start typing within the href or src attributes, auto-completion will suggest items in those directories, and URLs which cannot be … Read more