How to write init method in Swift?

that could be good bases for your class, I guess: class MyClass { // you may need to set the proper types in accordance with your dictionarty’s content var title: String? var shortDescription: String? var newsDescription: String? var link: NSURL? var pubDate: NSDate? // init () { // uncomment this line if your class has … Read more

Subclassing dict: should dict.__init__() be called?

You should probably call dict.__init__(self) when subclassing; in fact, you don’t know what’s happening precisely in dict (since it’s a builtin), and that might vary across versions and implementations. Not calling it may result in improper behaviour, since you can’t know where dict is holding its internal data structures. By the way, you didn’t tell … Read more can’t find local modules

Put the following codes in the inside the Animals directory. Python 3.x : from .Mammals import Mammals from .Birds import Birds On 2.x: from __future__ import absolute_import from .Mammals import Mammals from .Birds import Birds Explanation: It can’t find the module because it doesn’t know what directory to search to find the files Mammals … Read more

module_init() vs. core_initcall() vs. early_initcall()

They determine the initialization order of built-in modules. Drivers will use device_initcall (or module_init; see below) most of the time. Early initialization (early_initcall) is normally used by architecture-specific code to initialize hardware subsystems (power management, DMAs, etc.) before any real driver gets initialized. Technical stuff for understanding below Look at init/main.c. After a few architecture-specific … Read more

HttpModule Init method is called several times – why?

It’s normal for the Init() method to be called multiple times. When an application starts up, the ASP.NET Worker process will instantiate as many HttpApplication objects as it thinks it needs, then it’ll pool them (e.g. reuse them for new requests, similar to database connection pooling). Now for each HttpApplication object, it will also instantiate … Read more

iOS: UIView subclass init or initWithFrame:?

The designated initializer is the one that all the other initializers must call. UIView and subclasses are a little unusual in that they’ve actually got two such initializers: -initWithFrame: and -initWithCoder:, depending on how the view is created. You should override -initWithFrame: if you’re instantiating the view in code, and -initWithCoder: if you’re loading it … Read more

Best way of preventing other programmers from calling -init

You can explicitly mark your init as being unavailable in your header file: – (id) init __unavailable; or: – (id) init __attribute__((unavailable)); With the later syntax, you can even give a reason: – (id) init __attribute__((unavailable(“Must use initWithFoo: instead.”))); The compiler then issues an error (not a warning) if someone tries to call it.