Text editor function to indent multiple lines at once
You can go to Preferences > Keyboard and then select “Allow Tab key to indent text blocks”.
You can go to Preferences > Keyboard and then select “Allow Tab key to indent text blocks”.
Works as intended. …Objects: and forKeys: should be aligned as they form part of the same method signature. It might be easier to format your code if you use the new object literal syntax: – (int)minBrokenPieces { NSDictionary *mapping = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjects:@[@”3″, @”4″, @”4″, @”5″, @”6″, @”7″, @”8″] forKeys:[Note types]]; [(NSString *)mapping[self.note.type] integerValue]; } As … Read more
Generally, a “new line” refers to any set of characters that is commonly interpreted as signaling a new line, which can include: CR LF on DOS/Windows CR on older Macs LF on Unix variants, including modern Macs CR is the Carriage Return ASCII character (Code 0x0D), usually represented as \r. LF is the Line Feed … Read more
You can adjust the formatting in Project Settings -> Code Style -> Java -> Wrapping and Braces. The option you are looking for should be either “Method call arguments” or “Binary Expressions”
Automatic indenting kicked in. The easiest way to disable it is: :set paste :help paste ‘paste’ boolean (default off) global {not in Vi} Put Vim in Paste mode. This is useful if you want to cut or copy some text from one window and paste it in Vim. This will avoid unexpected effects. Setting this … Read more
I actually dealt with this myself, in the hackiest way possible: by post-processing the result. r = re.compile(r’^(\s*)’, re.MULTILINE) def prettify_2space(s, encoding=None, formatter=”minimal”): return r.sub(r’\1\1′, s.prettify(encoding, formatter)) Actually, I monkeypatched prettify_2space in place of prettify in the class. That’s not essential to the solution, but let’s do it anyway, and make the indent width a … Read more
It’s because you have: def first_function(x): try: return do_something_else() without a matching except block after the try: block. Every try must have at least one matching except. See the Errors and Exceptions section of the Python tutorial.
Why does indentation matter? In Python, indentation is used to delimit blocks of code. This is different from many other languages that use curly braces {} to delimit blocks such as Java, Javascript, and C. Because of this, Python users must pay close attention to when and how they indent their code because whitespace matters. … Read more
This is what you want: Settings > Preferences > MISC. > Auto-Indent (checkbox) — Sometimes people ask, “How can I do x in program y?” I have a dream that one day “Use program z instead” will not be the most popular response.
Not sure when it was introduced but my installed version of vim, v7.3.353 has a cino option that handles cpp namespace explicitly. I am currently using the example value: cino=N-s and as per :help cinoptions-values NN Indent inside C++ namespace N characters extra compared to a normal block. (default 0). cino= cino=N-s namespace { namespace … Read more