How to resolve “Error: error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported” Nodejs 18 error [duplicate]

In my case this happened in my Github Actions build pipeline when I was running npm run build. I was able to fix it by providing the following environment argument: export NODE_OPTIONS=–openssl-legacy-provider According from what I have read this node option can also be set in package.json. What I did was modifying the scripts section … Read more

Angular Material: Hide Autocomplete Panel when User hits enter Key

My use case was slightly different so your update didn’t work for me, but I found a slightly different solution that does the trick: @ViewChild(MatAutocompleteTrigger) autocomplete: MatAutocompleteTrigger; Then you can use this to close the dropdown options: this.autocomplete.closePanel(); Make sure to also import ViewChild: import { ViewChild } from ‘@angular/core’; Works like a charm.

How do I use “custom filter” prop in data tables in vuetify? or How do I create a custom filter to filter by headers?

Looking at the code on Github1, it looks like the customFilter prop is used to overwrite the default method used to determine how the filter prop is applied to the items in the table. The default customFilter method applies the filter function to each property name of each item object and filters out any items … Read more

How to organize types definitions in a React Project w/ Typescript

Generally, if the type alias/interface is specific only for the component, it is alright to write it within the same .tsx file, as you can consider them to be used “locally” for that component. However, there can be scenarios when you need to reuse that type alias/interface across other components, or other helper files (For … Read more