How to associate application with existing file types using WiX installer?

Here’s a full, complete example with a bit more detail and cleaner code than in the linked question and should provide a better answer. Quite timely as I’ve recently finished porting the code posted previously, to use proper ProgId elements so this is fresh in my mind 😉 In regards to the ‘what here’, you … Read more

Multiple file types in vim

You can specify to use multiple filetypes at the same time. For example: :setfiletype html.php But most of filetype plugings and syntax files are not designed for such cases. See also :help ‘filetype’

Where does Windows store its “Open With” settings?

Take a look in: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\ and the sub-key of that is the extension you reassigned. Under that there will be the UserChoice and OpenWithList sub-keys which will contain your redefinition. You may also want to read which talks about your issue. Update As of Windows 8, life has gotten far more complicated. To create … Read more

What are the Google Apps MIME Types in Google Docs and Google Drive?

Google Docs: application/ application/ Google Presentations: application/ Google Spreadsheets: application/ Google Drawing: application/ See here for more information. Here is a long list of Google Docs and Google Drive MIME types (it is not exhaustive): application/ application/ application/ application/ application/ application/ application/ application/ application/ application/ application/ application/ application/ application/ application/

Best way to organize filetype settings in .vim and .vimrc?

I store my Python-specific settings is in $HOME/.vim/ftplugin/python.vim, since I do nothing to conflict with $VIMRUNTIME/ftplugin/python.vim. Keeping these settings in an ftplugin file keeps my .vimrc nice and generic and easier to maintain (it’s still pretty big after over ten years of Vim usage). If you want to overrule what the ftplugins with your Vim … Read more