.asv files in matlab

A .asv file is just what you said, an “AutoSave” file. It’s just there so that you don’t lose all your code if your computer crashes/shutdown. You can delete it whenever you want. If you find them annoying you can go to File/Preferences/–>”Editor/Debugger” –> Autosave and turn it off.

Extracting a file extension from a given path in Rust idiomatically

In idiomatic Rust the return type of a function that can fail should be an Option or a Result. In general, functions should also accept slices instead of Strings and only create a new String where necessary. This reduces excessive copying and heap allocations. You can use the provided extension() method and then convert the … Read more

best way to remove file extension [duplicate]

Read the documentation of File::basename : basename(file_name [, suffix] ) → base_name Returns the last component of the filename given in file_name, which can be formed using both File::SEPARATOR and File::ALT_SEPARETOR as the separator when File::ALT_SEPARATOR is not nil. If suffix is given and present at the end of file_name, it is removed. file = … Read more