jQuery: Single button click, click event firing two or more times

Your problem may be happening because you are assigning the same handler to the click event multiple times. I suggest you check that the line where you assign the handler is not being called multiple times inadvertently. Another solution could be a call to unbind (deprecated 3.0) or off (superseeded) first: $(“#myButton”).unbind(“click”).click(myHandler); // deprecated $(“#myButton”).off(“click”).click(myHandler); … Read more

Is there a way in javascript to detect if the unload event is caused via a refresh, the back button, or closing the browser? [duplicate]

No, and if there was it would be browser dependent. What kind of code are you trying to run when the user closes the page? Is it to logout the user? Then the user would not be logged out if the browser crashes or the network connection breaks (and probably not if the computer goes … Read more

Add onclick event programmatically

But keep in mind that addEventListener is supported in IE just from version 9. To support older versions of IE you could use something like that: if (element1.addEventListener) { // all browsers except IE before version 9 element1.addEventListener(“click”, CalCal, false); } else { if (element1.attachEvent) { // IE before version 9 element1.attachEvent(“click”, CalCal); } }

BackgroundWorker RunWorkerCompleted Event

If the BackgroundWorker was created from the UI thread, then the RunWorkerCompleted event will also be raised on the UI thread. If it was created from a background thread, the event will be raised on an undefined background thread (not necessarily the same thread, unless you’re using a custom SynchronizationContext). Interestingly, this doesn’t seem to … Read more

Pressing enter to submit form in react-testing-library does not work

The following worked for me: import userEvent from “@testing-library/user-event”; import { render } from “@testing-library/react”; test(“should submit when pressing enter”, () => { const handleSubmit = jest.fn(); const { getByLabelText } = render(<App handleSubmit={handleSubmit} />); const input = getByLabelText(“Name:”); userEvent.type(input, “abc{enter}”); expect(handleSubmit).toHaveBeenCalled(); });
