Process finished with exit code -1073741571

That is the signed integer representation of Microsoft’s “stack overflow/stack exhaustion” error code 0xC00000FD. You might try increasing your executable’s stack size as described in the answer here: How to overcome Stack Size issue with Visual Studio (running C codes with big array) Anytime you see strange, large negative exit codes in windows, convert them … Read more

Use cases for std::error_code

I was wondering about that a while back myself and found the answer here. Essentially, error_code is used to store and transport error codes, while error_condition is used to match error codes. void handle_error(error_code code) { if (code == error_condition1) do_something(); else if(code == error_condition2) do_something_else(); else do_yet_another_thing(); } Each error_condition is equivalent to a … Read more

Error Code: 1062. Duplicate entry ‘1’ for key ‘PRIMARY’

The main reason why the error has been generated is because there is already an existing value of 1 for the column ID in which you define it as PRIMARY KEY (values are unique) in the table you are inserting. Why not set the column ID as AUTO_INCREMENT? CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `PROGETTO`.`UFFICIO-INFORMAZIONI` ( … Read more

Login to Microsoft SQL Server Error: 18456

If you’re trying to connect using “SQL Server Authentication” then you may want to modify your server authentication: Within the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio in the object explorer: Right click on the server and click Properties Go to the Security page Under Server authentication choose the SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode radio button … Read more