Spring Boot. @DataJpaTest H2 embedded database create schema

I had the same issue, I managed to resolve by creating schema.sql (in resources folder) with the content CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS <yourschema> Documentation can be found here but imho the lack of real examples make it very complex. Warning: this script is also executed within the normal (not test) environment. Not mandatory, but … Read more

If possible how can one embed PostgreSQL?

Run postgresql in a background process. Start a separate thread in your application that would start a postgresql server in local mode either by binding it to localhost with some random free port or by using sockets (does windows support sockets?). That should be fairly easy, something like: system(“C:\Program Files\MyApplication\pgsql\postgres.exe -D C:\Documents and Settings\User\Local Settings\MyApplication\database … Read more

Which embedded database to use in a Delphi application?

I’m using Firebird 2.1 Embedded and I’m quite happy with it.I like the fact that the database size is practically unlimited (tested with > 4 GB databases and it works) and that the database file is compatible with the Firebird Server so I can use standard tools for database management and inspection. Distribution consists of … Read more

Reliable and efficient key–value database for Linux? [closed]

LMDB is the most memory-efficient database around http://symas.com/mdb/inmem/ and also proven to be the most reliable – completely crash-proof. http://wisdom.cs.wisc.edu/workshops/spring-14/talks/Thanu.pdf Of the ones you’ve mentioned, Tokyo Cabinet has documented corruption issues https://www.google.com/search?q=cfengine+tokyo+cabinet+corruption BerkeleyDB also has well-documented corruption issues, as does Bitcask. (And bitcask is an in-memory-only DB anyway, so useless for your 1MB RAM requirement.) … Read more

Spring configuration for embedded H2 database for tests

With the reservation that I do not know if there is any tool that can inspect the database, I think that a simple solution would be to use the Spring embedded database (3.1.x docs, current docs) which supports HSQL, H2, and Derby. Using H2, your xml configuration would look like the following: <jdbc:embedded-database id=”dataSource” type=”H2″> … Read more

Embedded PostgreSQL for Java JUnit tests

The is an “embedded” PostgresSQL server that has been designed for unit testing from Java: https://github.com/yandex-qatools/postgresql-embedded Embedded postgresql will provide a platform neutral way for running postgres binary in unit tests. Much of the code has been crafted from Flapdoodle OSS’s embed process As an aside, there also exists similar projects for Mongo, Redis, Memcached … Read more

Where does H2’s Embedded Databases Store the data?

Read the FAQ: Where are the Database Files Stored? When using database URLs like jdbc:h2:~/test, the database is stored in the user directory. For Windows, this is usually C:\Documents and Settings\<userName> or C:\Users\<userName>. If the base directory is not set (as in jdbc:h2:./test), the database files are stored in the directory where the application is … Read more