TSQL Email Validation (without regex)

Very basic would be: SELECT EmailAddress, CASE WHEN EmailAddress LIKE ‘%_@_%_.__%’ AND EmailAddress NOT LIKE ‘%[any obviously invalid characters]%’ THEN ‘Could be’ ELSE ‘Nope’ END Validates FROM Table This matches everything with an @ in the middle, preceded by at least one character, followed by at least two, a dot and at least two for … Read more

Email confirmation in Rails without using any existing authentication gems/plugins

Assuming given the title that you definitely want to avoid Devise, Authlogic and friends, here’s what I think you need to do: Create ‘confirmation code’ and ‘confirmed’ attributes in your user model. Create a new controller method on your user controller that expects a user id and confirmation code, looks up the user and then … Read more

Email validation using regular expression in JSF 2 / PrimeFaces

All regular expression attempts to validate the email format based on Latin characters are broken. They do not support internationalized domain names which were available since May 2010. Yes, you read it right, non-Latin characters are since then allowed in domain names and thus also email addresses. That are thus extremely a lot of possible … Read more