Why duck typing is allowed for classes in TypeScript

This is the way structural typing works. Typescript has a structural type system to best emulate how Javscript works. Since Javascript uses duck typing, any object that defines the contract can be used in any function. Typescript just tries to validate duck typing at compile time instead of at runtime. Your problem will however only … Read more

How to add a dataclass field without annotating the type?

The dataclass decorator examines the class to find fields, by looking for names in __annotations__. It is the presence of annotation which makes the field, so, you do need an annotation. You can, however, use a generic one: @dataclass class Favs: fav_number: int = 80085 fav_duck: ‘typing.Any’ = object() fav_word: str=”potato”

What’s an example of duck typing in Java?

Java is by design not fit for duck typing. The way you might choose to do it is reflection: public void doSomething(Object obj) throws Exception { obj.getClass().getMethod(“getName”, new Class<?>[] {}).invoke(obj); } But I would advocate doing it in a dynamic language, such as Groovy, where it makes more sense: class Duck { quack() { println … Read more

How is duck typing different from the old ‘variant’ type and/or interfaces?

In some of the answers here, I’ve seen some incorrect use of terminology, which has lead people to provide wrong answers. So, before I give my answer, I’m going to provide a few definitions: Strongly typed A language is strongly typed if it enforces the type safety of a program. That means that it guarantees … Read more
