Has anyone used Sphinx to document a C++ project? [closed]

As mentioned here and here, Sphinx native C++ support is related to highlighting/formatting/referencing, not in-code documentation extraction breathe has developed out of the discussion that chrisdew referenced [Edit inserted below]: I tested the doxygen+breathe+sphinx toolchain on a multi-10k C++ library consisting of 10 different modules/domains. My bottom line is: not yet fully usable but keep … Read more

Automatic PHP Documentation Generation? [closed]

ApiGen http://apigen.org/ ApiGen has support for PHP 5.3 namespaces, packages, linking between documentation, cross referencing to PHP standard classes and general documentation, creation of highlighted source code and experimental support for PHP 5.4 traits. DocBlox http://www.docblox-project.org/ PHP 5.3 compatible API Documentation generator aimed at projects of all sizes and Continuous Integration. able to fully parse … Read more

How to get a single PDF document from Doxygen?

See Converting a LaTeX document to a PDF document. When Doxygen is finished processing, in the latex directory there’s a file called ‘refman.tex’. There are three ways you can use that file to get ‘a book’ out of Doxygen: LaTeX -> dvips -> ps2pdf latex myfile dvips myfile ps2pdf myfile.ps LaTeX -> dvipdfm latex myfile … Read more

Documenting C++/CLI library code for use from c# – best tools and practices? [closed]

I have gotten it to work as follows: Use XML style comments for your C++/CLI header entries. This means the full XML comment is required (triple-slash comments, <summary> tag at a minimum) Make sure that the C++ compiler option Generate XML Documentation Files is on. This should generate an XML file with documentation with the … Read more

Automatically Generating Documentation for All Python Package Contents

You can try using sphinx-apidoc. $ sphinx-apidoc –help Usage: sphinx-apidoc [options] -o <output_path> <module_path> [exclude_paths, …] Look recursively in <module_path> for Python modules and packages and create one reST file with automodule directives per package in the <output_path>. You can mix sphinx-apidoc with sphinx-quickstart in order to create the whole doc project like this: $ … Read more

Tools and guide for documenting TypeScript code?

I have just released a tool called TypeDoc that generates html api documentation pages out of TypeScript *.ts files. The documentation generator runs the TypeScript compiler and extracts the type information from the generated compiler symbols. Therefore you don’t have to include any additional metadata within your comments. If you want to try it out, … Read more