How to compare/show the difference between 2 videos in ffmpeg?

Comparison of decoded data with MD5 hash You can use the FFmpeg MD5 muxer to show that the decoding results in the exact same output: Get MD5 hash of the video stream from your original input: $ ffmpeg -loglevel error -i original.vid -map 0:v -f md5 – MD5=5ee3ae1ee5feaf30618938290225f682 Convert to a lossless output: $ ffmpeg … Read more

What’s the difference between a module and package in Python?

Any Python file is a module, its name being the file’s base name without the .py extension. A package is a collection of Python modules: while a module is a single Python file, a package is a directory of Python modules containing an additional file, to distinguish a package from a directory that just … Read more

The difference between head & tail recursion [duplicate]

In head recursion, the recursive call, when it happens, comes before other processing in the function (think of it happening at the top, or head, of the function). In tail recursion, it’s the opposite—the processing occurs before the recursive call. Choosing between the two recursive styles may seem arbitrary, but the choice can make all … Read more

CV – Extract differences between two images

One problem in your code is cv::threshold which only uses 1 channel images. Finding the pixelwise “difference” between two images in only grayscale often leads to unintuitive results. Since your provided images are a bit translated or the camera wasnt stationary, I’ve manipulated your background image to add some foreground: background image: foreground image: code: … Read more

Typescript difference between two arrays

There are probably a lot of ways, for example using the Array.prototype.filter(): var a1 = [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’, ‘e’, ‘f’, ‘g’]; var a2 = [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’]; let missing = a1.filter(item => a2.indexOf(item) < 0); console.log(missing); // [“e”, “f”, “g”] (code in playground) Edit The filter function runs over the elements of a1 … Read more

What is the difference between SGD and back-propagation?

Backpropagation is an efficient method of computing gradients in directed graphs of computations, such as neural networks. This is not a learning method, but rather a nice computational trick which is often used in learning methods. This is actually a simple implementation of chain rule of derivatives, which simply gives you the ability to compute … Read more

What is the difference between cross-validation and grid search?

Cross-validation is when you reserve part of your data to use in evaluating your model. There are different cross-validation methods. The simplest conceptually is to just take 70% (just making up a number here, it doesn’t have to be 70%) of your data and use that for training, and then use the remaining 30% of … Read more

Queue vs List

Performance can be profiled. Though in this case of so few items, you may need to run the code millions of times to actually get worthwhile differences. I will say this: Queue<T> will expose your intent more explicitly, people know how a queue works. A list being used like a queue is not as clear, … Read more