How do I store desktop application data in a cross platform way for python?

Well, I hate to have been the one to answer my own question, but no one else seems to know. I’m leaving the answer for posterity. APPNAME = “MyApp” import sys from os import path, environ if sys.platform == ‘darwin’: from AppKit import NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains # # NSApplicationSupportDirectory = 14 # NSUserDomainMask = 1 # … Read more

How to build a SystemTray app for Windows?

You do this using the pywin32 (Python for Windows Extensions) module. Example Code for Python 2 Similar Question To make it run at startup you could mess around with services but it’s actually much easier to install a link to the exe in the users “Startup Folder”. Windows 7 and Vista c:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup Windows XP … Read more

Create Windows Installer for Java Programs [closed]

From here: Open Source Installers Generators in Java IzPack IzPack is an installers generator for the Java platform. It produces lightweight installers that can be run on any operating system where a Java virtual machine is available. Depending on the operating system, it can be launched by a double-click or a simple ‘java -jar installer.jar’ … Read more

Qt – ‘Shadow Building’?

Shadow building is a technique used to build different Qt builds of the same version for different platforms/compilers/etc. Your compiled build is in a different directory, separate from the original Qt source directory. I’ve created a shadow build for my MSVS2010 compiler. If I wanted to, I could create a new build for MinGW in … Read more

Can Maven collect all the dependent JARs for a project to help with application deployment?

What you want to investigate is Maven’s dependency plugin. Add something similar to the following to pom.xml: <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-dependency-plugin</artifactId> <configuration> <outputDirectory> ${} </outputDirectory> </configuration> </plugin> Then run mvn clean dependency:copy-dependencies to copy perform the copy. Combine this with the assembly plugin and you can package everything into a self contained archive for distribution.