Concisely deep copy a slice?

Not sure which solution is fastest without a benchmark, but an alternative is using the built in copy: cpy := make([]T, len(orig)) copy(cpy, orig) From the documentation: func copy(dst, src []Type) int The copy built-in function copies elements from a source slice into a destination slice. (As a special case, it also will copy bytes … Read more

How to do “Deep Copy” in Swift?

Deep Copy Your example is not a deep copy as discussed on StackOverflow. Getting a true deep copy of an object would often require NSKeyedArchiver Swift and copying The NSCopying protocol is the Objective-C way of providing object copies because everything was a pointer and you needed a way of managing the generation of copies … Read more

javascript deep copy using JSON

If your object is “small” and contains exclusively serializable properties, a simple deepCopy hack using JSON serialization should be OK. But, if your object is large, you could run into problems. And if it contains unserializable properties, those’ll go missing: var o = { a: 1, b: 2, sum: function() { return a + b; … Read more

Relationship between pickle and deepcopy

You should not be confused by (1) and (2). In general, Python tries to include sensible fall-backs for missing methods. (For instance, it is enough to define __getitem__ in order to have an iterable class, but it may be more efficient to also implement __iter__. Similar for operations like __add__, with optional __iadd__ etc.) __deepcopy__ … Read more

Deep Copy of OpenCV cv::Mat

I think, that using assignment is not the best way of matrix copying. If you want new full copy of the matrix, use: Mat a=b.clone(); If you want copy matrix for replace the data from another matrix (for avoid memory reallocation) use: Mat a(b.size(),b.type()); b.copyTo(a); When you assign one matrix to another, the counter of … Read more

copy.deepcopy vs pickle

Problem is, pickle+unpickle can be faster (in the C implementation) because it’s less general than deepcopy: many objects can be deepcopied but not pickled. Suppose for example that your class A were changed to…: class A(object): class B(object): pass def __init__(self): self.b = self.B() now, copy1 still works fine (A’s complexity slows it downs but … Read more

Deep copying array of nested objects in javascript [duplicate]

You have two main options: Use JSON.stringify and JSON.parse: var copy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(original)); But I’ve never liked that. A round-trip through text is inefficient at best, and it won’t handle functions or Date, RegExp, undefined, etc. values correctly unless you write a replacer and a reviver. Use a recursive function, something like this: var toString … Read more

How to create a copy of a python function [duplicate]

In Python3: import types import functools def copy_func(f): “””Based on (Glenn Maynard)””” g = types.FunctionType(f.__code__, f.__globals__, name=f.__name__, argdefs=f.__defaults__, closure=f.__closure__) g = functools.update_wrapper(g, f) g.__kwdefaults__ = f.__kwdefaults__ return g def f(arg1, arg2, arg3, kwarg1=”FOO”, *args, kwarg2=”BAR”, kwarg3=”BAZ”): return (arg1, arg2, arg3, args, kwarg1, kwarg2, kwarg3) f.cache = [1,2,3] g = copy_func(f) print(f(1,2,3,4,5)) print(g(1,2,3,4,5)) print(g.cache) assert … Read more

Cloning a record in rails, is it possible to clone associations and deep copy?

You may get some good use out of the Amoeba gem for ActiveRecord 3.2. It supports easy and automatic recursive duplication of has_one, has_many and has_and_belongs_to_many associations, field preprocessing and a highly flexible and powerful configuration DSL that can be applied both to the model and on the fly. be sure to check out the … Read more
