What is the Maven way for automatic project versions when doing continuous delivery?
I recommend the following presentation that discusses the practical realities of doing continuous delivery with Maven: You tube presentation on CD with Maven Slides The key takeaway is each build is a potential release, so don’t use snapshots.
Jenkins Pipeline sh display name/label
Update Feb 2019: According to gertvdijk’s answer below, it is now possible to assign an optional label to the sh step, starting from v2.28, and for those who can’t upgrade yet, there’s also a workaround. Please check his answer for details and comments! Previous version (hover to see it): As far as I know, that’s … Read more
How to trigger Jenkins builds remotely and to pass parameters
See Jenkins documentation: Parameterized Build Below is the line you are interested in: http://server/job/myjob/buildWithParameters?token=TOKEN&PARAMETER=Value
Continuous Integration vs. Continuous Delivery vs. Continuous Deployment
Continuous Integration I Agree with your university’s definition. Continuous Integration is a strategy for how a developer can integrate code to the mainline continuously – as opposed to frequently. You might claim that it’s merely a branching strategy in your version control system. It has to do with the size of the tasks you assign … Read more