C# MailTo with Attachment?

If you want to access the default email client then you can use MAPI32.dll (works on Windows OS only). Take a look at the following wrapper: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/IP/SendFileToNET.aspx Code looks like this: MAPI mapi = new MAPI(); mapi.AddAttachment(“c:\\temp\\file1.txt”); mapi.AddAttachment(“c:\\temp\\file2.txt”); mapi.AddRecipientTo(“[email protected]”); mapi.AddRecipientTo(“[email protected]”); mapi.SendMailPopup(“testing”, “body text”); // Or if you want try and do a direct send without … Read more

add excel file attachment when sending python email

This is the code that worked for me- to send an email with an attachment in python #!/usr/bin/python import smtplib,ssl from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.base import MIMEBase from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.utils import formatdate from email import encoders def send_mail(send_from,send_to,subject,text,files,server,port,username=””,password=”,isTls=True): msg = MIMEMultipart() msg[‘From’] = send_from msg[‘To’] = send_to msg[‘Date’] = formatdate(localtime = … Read more

How to create an email with embedded images that is compatible with the most mail clients

I’ve had success with exactly the same headers as you’re using, with the following differences: Embedded is not a valid value for the Content-Disposition header. attachment should be fine. inline should also be fine, though I’ve usually seen attachment for multipart/related embedded images. The value of the Content-ID header is supposed to be in the … Read more

Downloading multiple attachments using imaplib

For any future python travellers. Here is a class that downloads any attachment found for an email and saves it to a specific location. import email import imaplib import os class FetchEmail(): connection = None error = None def __init__(self, mail_server, username, password): self.connection = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(mail_server) self.connection.login(username, password) self.connection.select(readonly=False) # so we can mark mails … Read more

Images in email: link or embed?

Because by embedding the images in the email, the email size gets a lot larger, uses more bandwidth for you to send it, and more for them to receive it. If the images are important to the email’s purpose then embed them, if they are to just make it look good then link them.

How to add a UIImage in MailComposer Sheet of MFMailComposeViewController

Back again with a new answer. I’m still leaving my previous code up though, because I’m still not convinced that there’s not a way to make use of it. I’ll keep at it myself. The following code DOES work. Mustafa suggests base64 encoding the images, and says that they only work Apple to Apple, but … Read more
