How can I manage keyring files in trusted.gpg.d with ansible playbook since apt-key is deprecated?

In short, you need to put the GPG key with the correct extension into a separate directory that is not searched by default, and point your repository configuration at that specific file. For more info on why you need a separate directory, see this answer to “Warning: apt-key is deprecated. Manage keyring files in trusted.gpg.d … Read more

JDK is installed on mac but i’m getting “The operation couldn’t be completed. Unable to locate a Java Runtime that supports apt.” sudo apt update

20 years ago, java shipped with a tool called apt: Annotation Processor Tool. This tool was obsolete not much later. What that update-node-js-version is talking about, is a completely and totally unrelated tool: It’s the Advanced Package Tool, which is a tool to manage installations on debian and ubuntu – linux distros. You do not … Read more

Debianzing a Python program to get a .deb [duplicate]

I just tested stdeb (see, a Python package for turning any other Python package into a Debian package. First I installed stdeb: apt-get install python-stdeb Then I made a simple script called with the following contents: def main(): print “Hello world, says myscript!” # wait for input from the user raw_input() if __name__ … Read more

The repository ‘ stable Release’ is not signed [closed]

You don’t. You must wait for Google to renew their keys and for an update. The important message is: The following signatures were invalid: EXPKEYSIG 1397BC53640DB551 Google Inc. (Linux Packages Signing Authority) It means that the cryptographic signature is invalid. The source of this can be an attack, a misconfiguration, or other kind of technical … Read more

Doxygen – Could NOT find FLEX (missing: FLEX_EXECUTABLE)

It seems like apt autoremove really removed the package I just installed in the previous step. So what worked for me was: git clone cd doxygen mkdir build cd build These are new: sudo apt-get install flex sudo apt-get install bison cmake -G “Unix Makefiles” .. make …but of course the horror wouldn’t end … Read more