React Native – FBReactNativeSpec Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code

For me anyone of this solutions work because, with Xcode 14.2 and RN0.70.5, there is the following 2 files in ios folder which fixe node version with the path (I don’t know since which version and which one adds this files) : .xcode.env .xcode.env.local If you are this files inside ios folder just do this … Read more

How can I install GRPCIO on an Apple M1 Silicon laptop?

This seems to work well, do the following in the terminal export GRPC_PYTHON_BUILD_SYSTEM_OPENSSL=1 export GRPC_PYTHON_BUILD_SYSTEM_ZLIB=1 And then install whatever package that you wanted to install, in my case I was trying to install firebase admin and I had to run the following pip install firebase-admin Or just run the below command if you just want … Read more

What is the proper way to install TensorFlow on Apple M1 in 2022

Distilling the official directions from Apple (as of 13 July 2022), one would create an environment using the following YAML: tf-metal-arm64.yaml name: tf-metal channels: – apple – conda-forge dependencies: – python=3.9 ## specify desired version – pip – tensorflow-deps ## uncomment for use with Jupyter ## – ipykernel ## PyPI packages – pip: – tensorflow-macos … Read more

Docker on Mac M1 gives: “The requested image’s platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform”

If you’re planning to run the image in your laptop, you need to build it for the cpu architecture of that particular machine. You can provide the –platform option to docker build (or even to docker-compose) to define the target platform you want to build the image for. For example: docker build –platform linux/arm64 .