Filtering render functions from CodeClimate method-lines check

To exclude specific functions from the method-lines check in CodeClimate, you can use the method-lines.ignore configuration option in your .codeclimate.yml file. This option allows you to specify a list of regular expressions that match the names of functions that you want to exclude from the check.

For example, to exclude all render functions in your React components from the method-lines check, you could use the following configuration:

    - "render"

This will ignore any function with a name that matches the regular expression “render”. Note that this will also ignore any function with a name that contains the string “render”, such as myRenderFunction.

You can also use more complex regular expressions to match specific function names. For example, to only ignore render functions in a specific module, you could use a regular expression like this:

    - "moduleA/render"

This will only ignore functions with names like moduleA/render, moduleA/renderFoo, etc.

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