C# MessageBox dialog result

DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show(“Do you want to save changes?”, “Confirmation”, MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel); if(result == DialogResult.Yes) { //… } else if (result == DialogResult.No) { //… } else { //… }

MongoDB cannot start server: The default storage engine ‘wiredTiger’ is not available with this build of mongod

Well… There appears to be a version conflict: you are probably running a 32bit version of Mongo. Just do as they say and actually use the other default storage engine: Write the command as follows in your Mongo/bin directory: mongod –storageEngine=mmapv1 –dbpath [your-path] Should solve the problem. I guess you don’t quite mind about using … Read more

What is the top bar height of iPhone X?

The display on iPhone X, however, is 145pt taller than a 4.7″ display, resulting in roughly 20% additional vertical space for content. for more information you get HIG for iphone X from apple documents and detail description in here1 and here2 status bar height previously 20pt, now 44pt Because of the sensors on top of … Read more

What is the difference between .env.local and .env.development.local?

Here’s the priority of the files for the development build and the production build: Dev.: (npm start): .env.development.local, .env.local, .env.development, .env Prod.: (npm run build): .env.production.local, .env.local, .env.production, .env If you ever want to use something in your local environment without being specific to the development build or the production build, you can add some … Read more

hashCode in case classes in Scala

As my professor used to say, only the code tells the truth! So just take a look at the code that is generated for: case class A(i: Int, s: String) We can instruct the Scala compiler to show us the generated code after the different phases, here after the typechecker: % scalac -Xprint:typer test.scala [[syntax … Read more