How do I duplicate a line or selection within Visual Studio Code?

The commands your are looking for are editor.action.copyLinesDownAction and editor.action.copyLinesUpAction. You can see the associated keybindings by picking: File > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts Windows: Shift+Alt+Down and Shift+Alt+Up Mac: Shift+Option+Down and Shift+OptionUp Linux: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Down and Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Up (Might need to use numpad Down and Up for Linux) Furthermore, commands editor.action.moveLinesUpAction and editor.action.moveLinesDownAction are the ones to … Read more

How can I customize the tab-to-space conversion factor?

By default, Visual Studio Code will try to guess your indentation options depending on the file you open. You can turn off indentation guessing via “editor.detectIndentation”: false. You can customize this easily via these three settings for Windows in menu File → Preferences → User Settings and for Mac in menu Code → Preferences → … Read more