vim scripting, if vim version is < 7.3

The versioning scheme is different; Vim 7.3 is 703, not 730. Also, for clarity, I would recommend using v:version (this is a special Vim variable). Often, it is also better to check for the availability of features ( e.g. exists(‘+relativenumber’)) than testing for the Vim version that introduced the feature, because Vim can be custom-compiled … Read more

vim-airline: what is “! trailing[1]”

That means you have a trailing whitespace on the first line ([1]). You can add to your .vimrc the following: set list ” Display unprintable characters f12 – switches set listchars=tab:•\ ,trail:•,extends:»,precedes:« ” Unprintable chars mapping That’ll display whitespace chars. You can toggle it with :set invlist.

how to scroll faster in vim

If you are looking to speed up the time to get to a specific spot, having many pages. These commands support to keep the keys press if needed to increase speed: ctrl + f (page down) ctrl + b (page up) ctrl + d (scroll window downwards, normally half a a screen) ctrl + u … Read more