IIS AAR – URL Rewrite for reverse proxy – how to send HTTP_HOST
This post has the answer – Modifying headers with IIS7 Application Request Routing Need to enable preserveHostHeader – can’t see how you do that in the UI but this works Run this from command line to update Machine/webroot/apphost config %windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe set config -section:system.webServer/proxy -preserveHostHeader:true /commit:apphost
Remove parameters within nginx rewrite
Had a similar problem, after a lot of searching the answer presented itself in the rewrite docs. If you specify a ? at the end of a rewrite then Nginx will drop the original $args (arguments) So for your example, this would do the trick: location ^~ /mypage.php { rewrite ^/mypage.php$ http://www.example.com/mypage? permanent; }
URL Rewriting with ExpressJS
You could rewrite the URL before you get to the handler you want to use. app.use(function(req, res, next) { if (req.url === ‘/toto’) { req.url=”/heytoto”; } next(); }); app.get(‘/heytoto’, …); I’ve used a similar method to do URL rewrites with regular expressions.
how do I know what version of IIS7 URL Rewrite module is installed
The binary for Url Rewrite is located at: %SystemRoot%\system32\inetsrv\rewrite.dll Url Rewrite 1.1 has a File Version of 7.1.490.43. Url Rewrite 2.0 has a File Version of 7.1.761.0 or 7.1.871.0 (there may be others but these are the two different versions I know of). If you don’t have console access to verify the version number try … Read more
Nginx rewrite rule with proxy pass
Your rewrite statement is wrong. The $1 on the right refers to a group (indicated by paratheses) in the matching section. Try: rewrite ^/Shep.ElicenseWeb/(.*) /$1 break;
How to write a url rewrite in nginx?
The code above will not work because of a missing $ and poor use of the return command. The code below works with Nginx, including version 0.8.54. Format below is : DesiredURL Actual URL Nginx_Rule They must be inside location / {} http://example.com/notes/343 http://example.com/notes.php?id=343 rewrite ^/notes/(.*)$ /notes.php?id=$1 last; http://example.com/users/BlackBenzKid http://example.com/user.php?username=BlackBenzKid rewrite ^/users/(.*)$ /user.php?username=$1 last; http://example.com/top … Read more
IIS Rewrite not working (but redirection does)
I ran into this same issue yesterday, and it took me a long time to figure out. The key here is that you’ve got an http:// prefix in your rewrite action; that makes this a special case that needs to be handled by Application Request Routing. The first step is to make sure that the … Read more
.htaccess url-rewrite if file not exists
RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^.*$ /default.php [L]
Preserve HTTP/HTTPS protocol in .htaccess redirects
The trick provided by Jon is a nice hack, but I am afraid it could break if you want to use more [OR] conditions, and if you use more backreferences you have to be careful which number to use (%1 or %2 or ..). I think the most elegant, robust and clean solution for smart … Read more