How do I add svg files via MatIconRegistry in unit tests?

can just do: import { MatIcon } from ‘@angular/material/icon’; import { MatIconTestingModule } from ‘@angular/material/icon/testing’; describe(‘MyComponent’, () => { beforeEach(async(() => { TestBed.configureTestingModule({ declarations: [MyComponent, MatIcon], imports: [MatIconTestingModule], }).compileComponents(); })); … }); This will generate a test icon rendering without the HTTP request. NOTE: Newer versions of Angular, e.g., >16, may produce an error unless … Read more

pytest fixtures in a separate directory

Please add the following in your import pytest pytest_plugins = [ “fixtures.conftest”, “fixtures.fixture_cifs”, “fixtures.fixture_ftp”, “fixtures.fixture_service” ] This ensures that all fixtures declared under fixtures/ will be found by pytest As a note that the respective directories referred to in fixtures.conftest” need to have files for the plugins to be loaded by pytest A … Read more

Accessing Angular inside Protractor Test

There is a function called evaluate(). Find an element in the dom and then run the expression. For example. If you want to count the number of todos in the website (under Add Some Control), do this: Open the element explorer in protractor ./node_modules/protractor/bin/elementexplorer.js browser.get(‘’) element(by.model(‘todoText’)).evaluate(‘todos.length’). then(function(count) { console.log(count) }); It should give you … Read more

Protractor “by.css()” vs “$()” Dollar Sign vs “$$()” ‘Bling Bling’

$ and $$ are just convenient shortcuts. $(“selector”) is an alternative for element(by.css(“selector”)). $$(“selector”) is an alternative for element.all(by.css(“selector”)). FYI, quote from the source code: ElementFinder.prototype.$ = function(selector) { return this.element(webdriver.By.css(selector)); }; ElementArrayFinder.prototype.$$ = function(selector) { return this.all(webdriver.By.css(selector)); }; And the actual commit that initially made it happen.

How to stop all tests from inside a test or setUp using unittest?

In case you are interested, here is a simple example how you could make a decision yourself about exiting a test suite cleanly with py.test: # content of import pytest counter = 0 def setup_function(func): global counter counter += 1 if counter >=3: pytest.exit(“decided to stop the test run”) def test_one(): pass def test_two(): … Read more

Display python unittest results in nice, tabular form [closed]

This is not exactly what you are asking, but there are several options for having a readable test output there: HTMLTestRunner generates easy to use HTML test reports in a tabular form. Here’s a sample report. nose-html-output plugin for nose test runner unittest-xml-reporting – PyUnit-based test runner with JUnit like XML reporting nose with –with-xunit … Read more