Publish DACPAC to SQL Server 2014 using SqlPackage.exe?

Yes, there is a new version supporting SQL Server 2005-2016 available and it installs into a different location than the previous (SQL Server 2012 and lower) version. In fact, you’ll have different install locations depending on if you just use SSDT or if you install it as part of SSMS or the standalone installer. SSDT … Read more

Using SSDT, how do I resolve SQL71561 errors when I have a view that references objects in a different database?

To resolve this, I added a reference to the other database, clearing out the “Database variable” field in the dialog. If I didn’t clear this field, when doing a schema compare, SSDT would generate the update script using the database variable name, which would fail. Add a Database Reference to the project. In my case … Read more

Visual Studio 2017 does not have Business Intelligence Integration Services/Projects

VS2017 supports ssis or ssrs projects if you install SSDT for VS2017 here. Click on the newly downloaded file and check SSIS or SSRS components that you required, as show in diagram :- Once you have installed this, try opening ssis / ssrs project. I managed to open ssis developed on vs2010. You should see … Read more

Command-line/API for Schema Compare in SSDT SQL Server Database Project?

SOURCE Database sqlpackage.exe /a:Extract /scs:Server=%Server%;Database=AspBaselineDB; /tf:%DriveSpec%\%DacPath%\%AspBaselineDB%_baseline.dacpac TARGET Database sqlpackage.exe /a:Extract /scs:Server=%Server%;Database=%AspTargetDB-2%; /tf:%DriveSpec%\%DacPath%\%AspTargetDB%.dacpac COMPARE & GENERATE the Delta script sqlpackage.exe /a:Script /sf:%DriveSpec%\%DacPath%\%AspBaselineDB%_baseline.dacpac /tf:%DriveSpec%\%DacPath%\AspNetDb\%AspTargetDB%.dacpac /tdn:aspTargetdb /op:%DriveSpec%\%SqlPath%\AspNetDb\AspDbUpdate.sql EXECUTE the script sqlcmd.exe -S %Server%\aspnetdbAmexDev -i %DriveSpec%\%SqlPath%\AspNetDb\AspDbUpdate.sql I do this in CMD scripting as our IT dept will not allow unsigned PowerShell scripts and they won’t purchase a cert. This … Read more

SSIS Extension for Visual Studio 2022

Update 5 Jun. 2023 – general Availability (GA) release Microsoft released Version 1.0 (General Availability (GA) release) of the SQL Server Integration Services extension for Visual Studio 2022. Update 24 Nov. 2022 – Public preview released Microsoft added a public preview of the SQL Server Integration Services Projects 2022 to the Visual Studio marketplace, which … Read more

How to build .sqlproj projects on a build server?

Answer: Microsoft now has an official NuGet package (see blog post). Old answer, prior to August 2016; provided in case the NuGet package doesn’t work for you: Install dacframework.msi (x86|x64) Install SQLDOM.MSI (x86|x64) Install SQLLS.MSI (x86|x64) Install SQLSysClrTypes.msi (x86|x64) Install SSDTBuildUtilities.msi (from the “Administrator Install Point” as setup in step 3 here) Done! Source: Headless … Read more
