SQL SELECT WHERE string ends with Column
You can use such query: SELECT * FROM TABLE1 WHERE ‘value’ LIKE ‘%’ + DomainName
You can use such query: SELECT * FROM TABLE1 WHERE ‘value’ LIKE ‘%’ + DomainName
Try this SELECT * FROM account_invoice,sale_order WHERE sale_order.name LIKE ‘%’ || account_invoice.origin || ‘%’ % needs single quote because the pattern is a string. || is the operator for concatenation.
Create Table as select (CTAS) is possible in Hive. You can try out below command: CREATE TABLE new_test row format delimited fields terminated by ‘|’ STORED AS RCFile AS select * from source where col=1 Target cannot be partitioned table. Target cannot be external table. It copies the structure as well as the data Create … Read more
As @ocdecio says, if the optimizer is smart enough there should be no difference, but if you want to make sure about what is happening behind the scenes you should compare the two query’s execution plans.
The quotes protect either ? or :name from being taken as a place-holder — they’re taken literally. You need to place the percent signs around the string you’re passing, and use the plain placeholder without quotes. I.e.: self.cursor.execute( “select string from stringtable where string like ? and type = ?”, (‘%’+searchstr+’%’, type)) Note that neither … Read more
It’s all very well not “wanting to use” < and > with timestamps, but those operators can be converted into index scans, and a string-match… well, it can, but EWWWW. Well, the error is occurring because you need to explicitly convert the timestamp to a string before using a string operation on it, e.g.: date_checker::text … Read more
Underscore is a wildcard for a single character. You will need to change your SQL to something like: WHERE fieldName LIKE ‘1%’ Or you can escape the underscore WHERE fieldName LIKE ‘1\_%’
It would be nice if you could, but you can’t use that syntax in SQL. Try this: (column1 LIKE ‘%this%’ OR column1 LIKE ‘%that%’) AND something = else Note the use of brackets! You need them around the OR expression. Without brackets, it will be parsed as A OR (B AND C),which won’t give you … Read more
Does this return the correct result ? Select * from tbl1 WHERE COALESCE([TextCol],’-1′) NOT LIKE ‘%TAX%’ I believe NULL values are the issue here, if the column contains them, then NULL NOT LIKE ‘%TAX%’ will return UNKNOWN/NULL and therefore won’t be selected. I advise you to read about handling with NULL values , or here. … Read more
Try SELECT * FROM Table1 INNER JOIN Table2 ON Table1.col LIKE CONCAT(‘%’, Table2.col, ‘%’) MySQL does string concatenation differently from other databases, so in case you want to port your app, you need to have an alternate version where || is used as concatenation operator, as mentioned by Michael in another answer. This operator doesn’t … Read more