How do I get user profile using Google Access Token

I had the same issue. I wanted to extract the user information. But couldn’t get the exact link to hit. Then I went through the code for Passport Google Strategy at Line number 54. My scopes were [‘profile’, ’email’] GET Request{access_token} Response { “sub”: “23423….”, “name”: “John Doe”, “given_name”: “John”, “family_name”: “Doe”, “picture”: “<Profile … Read more

How to generate an upload key for Google App Signing?

I just went through this exhausting process. I’m using React Native so I never even use Android Studio unless I need to launch a virtual device. I’m documenting this for myself and anyone else that has been traumatized by this experience. This is explicitly for the ‘Upload Key’ option. Google then swaps it out on … Read more

Xcode 8 signing errors, can’t log in with account and no provisioning profile

I can’t take credit for this solution, it came from BrianBatchelder on the apple forum. I had to go to “XCode” -> “Preferences” -> “Accounts”, where it turned out my Apple ID had timed-out. After logging-in there, and then restarting Xcode, my profile was automatically “repaired”, and all is now well. Re-starting Xcode is important … Read more