How to programatically open Settings/Preferences window in a macOS SwiftUI App

By inspecting the app menu, I found this solution: NSApp.sendAction(Selector((“showPreferencesWindow:”)), to: nil, from: nil) I assume that it may not pass App Review for using a private API, though, so less shady alternatives are still welcome. Update: This has actually passed App Review, so I had marked it as the answer. Update 2: For a … Read more

ConfigObj/ConfigParser vs. using YAML for Python settings file

It depends on what you want to store in your config files and how you use them If you do round tripping (yaml→code→yaml) and want comments preserved you cannot use PyYAML or ConfigParser. If you want to preserve the order of your keys (e.g. when you check in your config files), PyYAML doesn’t do that … Read more

Visual Studio Code – Can “OPEN EDITORS” panel be sorted?

Update 2020-12-16 With release v1.52.0 being shipped you can sort open editors. From the release notes: There is a new setting explorer.openEditors.sortOrder to control the sort order in the OPEN EDITORS list. The values are: editorOrder – Editors are listed in the same order as editor tabs are shown (default). alphabetical – Editors are listed … Read more
