Understanding the concept behind Service provider framework like JDBC using the factory method

Consider something like the following: public interface MyService { void doSomething(); } public class MyServiceFactory { public static MyService getService() { try { (MyService) Class.forName(System.getProperty(“MyServiceImplemetation”)).newInstance(); } catch (Throwable t) { throw new Error(t); } } } With this code, your library doesn’t need to know about the implementations of the service. Users of your library … Read more

Laravel 4 – when to use service providers?

One of the keys to building a well architected Laravel application is learning to use serviceproviders as an organizational tool. When you are registering many classes with the IoC container, all of those bindings can start to clutter your app/start files. Instead of doing container registrations in those files, create serviceproviders that register related services. … Read more

Service providers with SAML version 2 for SSO accessible to public? [closed]

UPDATE: Samling is live again at https://fujifish.github.io/samling/samling.html Samling is a serverless SAML IdP for the purpose if testing any SAML SP endpoint. It supports AuthnRequest and LogoutRequest. It runs solely in the browser to simulate SAML responses returned from a SAML IdP – no registration, no servers, just a browser. You can control many aspects … Read more

How to get an instance of IServiceProvider in .NET Core?

As goaty mentioned it’s enough to create new ServiceCollection. Here’s example class which can be used to access DI container in .NET Core: public static class ServiceProviderFactory { public static IServiceProvider ServiceProvider { get; } static ServiceProviderFactory() { HostingEnvironment env = new HostingEnvironment(); env.ContentRootPath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); env.EnvironmentName = “Development”; Startup startup = new Startup(env); ServiceCollection … Read more