How to login to Google API with Service Account in C# – Invalid Credentials
It appears that the GoogleAnalytics cannot consume a generic GoogleCredential and interpret it as a ServiceAccountCredential (even though it is acknowledged, interally, that it is actually of that type). Thus you have to create a ServiceAccountCredential the hard way. It’s also unfortunate that GoogleCredential does not expose the various properties of the credential, so I … Read more
List of Kubernetes RBAC rule verbs
You can get quite a bit of info via this: kubectl api-resources –sort-by name -o wide The above api-resources command is explicit and easy to grep. The complete list of possible verbs can be obtained thus: $ kubectl api-resources –no-headers –sort-by name -o wide | sed ‘s/.*\[//g’ | tr -d “]” | tr ” ” … Read more
Google Drive API, Oauth and service account
Share your Drive account’s folder to your service account. Your service account’s addresss looks like Then your service account can see the shared folder from your Drive account. So you have 35GB service account.
Service account doesn’t show up in Google Play Console after creation
I had the same problem, I fixed it this way: When you create a service account in step 2, you need to select a role to grant this service account some permissions, although it shows the step is optional, but for some cases, it’s not. If you skip this step, the newly created service account … Read more