Log all network interactions of Java application

A quick way to log all SSL traffic is to startup java with: -Djavax.net.debug=all Or set it as a system property: System.setProperty(“javax.net.debug”, “all”); Brace yourself. Standard out gets NOISY if you do this! (*Note: only logs SSL traffic and SSL debug info (handshakes, etc). Regular sockets are not logged.)

GWT RPC data format

EDIT: Brian Slesinsky just documented the protocol (by reverse-engineering the code): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eG0YocsYYbNAtivkLtcaiEE5IOF5u4LUol8-LL0TIKU/edit First, GWT-RPC protocol is asymmetric so that it’s always optimized for the client-side: fast to deserialize something coming from the server, and fast to serialize something to send to it. It’s obviously not binary, as you suspected, but text-based. client-to-server protocol is pipe-delimited … Read more

exception in GWT RPC app

You mean your code works fine but you see this exception in logs? Exception basically means that compilation cache failed to load for some reason. Most likely cache has become corrupted for some reason, so try to remove folder gwt-UnitCache from your project, this should help.

What public APIs are provided by Governments to the public?

Suddenly I feel proud to be a British Citizen… are you ready? Good: HMRC (the lovely people who take our tax off us) provide a fully documented API, see here, for filling in just about every form they have. Not only that, but they define a whole set of schemas and everything available here: http://www.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/govtalk/schemasstandards.aspx … Read more

Examples of the best SOAP/REST/RPC web APIs? And why do you like them? And what’s wrong with them? [closed]

Here’s my take. Although coming from a Java standpoint, I actually prefer REST. SOAP envelope with multiple namespaces and its complex structure is abomination. It tries to solve mostly imaginary problems, and doesn’t solve anything efficiently. Only thing about SOAP I’ve found useful is that it has standards for authorization and errors. On the other … Read more

any good and simple RPC library for inter-process calls? [closed]

I don’t think sockets are really overkill. The alternatives all have their own problems and sockets are far better supported than named pipes, shared memory, etc., because almost everyone is using them. The speed of sockets on local system is probably not an issue. There’s Apache Thrift: http://incubator.apache.org/thrift/ There are a few RPC implementations wrapped … Read more