SQL Server 2008 replication failing with: process could not execute ‘sp_replcmds’

When I had this problem, my database didn’t have an owner set properly. I had restored a database from another windows domain, right clicked the database -> properties and verified in the “general” tab that the owner was set correctly. However, in the “files” tab, owner was not set at all. As soon as I … Read more

Does mySQL replication have immediate data consistency?

Consistency in the sense it is used in ACID means that all constraints are satisfied before and after any change. When a system assures that you can’t read data that is inconsistent, they’re saying for example that you will never read data where a child row references a non-existent parent row, or where half of … Read more

A timeout occured after 30000ms selecting a server using CompositeServerSelector

Add “?connect=replicaSet” to the end of your connection string if connecting to MongoLab. new MongoClient(“mongodb://username:[email protected]:11111/db-name?connect=replicaSet”) This JIRA ticket has some details: https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/CSHARP-1160 Basically the default is to connect to a replica set member. But MongoLab’s Single-Node settings are actually a single node replica set and this causes us to not trust it. Appending ?connect=replicaSet to … Read more