Best practices for new Rails deployments on Linux?

I switched from Mongrel Cluster to Passenger two weeks ago (Debian Linux Server). I didn’t look back for a second. Passenger is probably the easiest way to get your new server up and running. Performance and reliability are reasonable too. Personally, I like to spend my time working on exciting new Rails projects rather than … Read more

What is difference between release notes and changelog?

To directly answer your question, you can include both in your software release. Release notes are a set of documents delivered to customers with the intent to provide a verbose description of the release of a new version of a product or service. These artifacts are generally created by a marketing team or product owner … Read more

What version numbering scheme do you recommend? [closed]

There are two good answers for this (plus a lot of personal preferences; see gizmo’s comment on religious wars). For public applications, the standard Major.Minor.Revision.Build works best IMO – public users can easily tell what version of the program they have and, to some degree, how far out of date their version is. For in … Read more

Patch vs. Hotfix vs. Maintenance Release vs. Service Pack vs

When I hear those terms this is what comes to mind: Patch – Publicly released update to fix a known bug/issue Hotfix – update to fix a very specific issue, not always publicly released Maintenance Release – Incremental update between service packs or software versions to fix multiple outstanding issues Service Pack – Large Update … Read more

Distinguishing development mode and release mode environment settings on Android

The following solution assumes that in manifest file you always set android:debuggable=true while developing and android:debuggable=false for application release. Now you can check this attribute’s value from your code by checking the ApplicationInfo.FLAG_DEBUGGABLE flag in the ApplicationInfo obtained from PackageManager. The following code snippet could help: PackageInfo packageInfo = … // get package info for … Read more