Save Open XML as PDF

The nice thing about the Office OpenXML is that it’s the language of Microsoft Office — if you live your “office life” in Word and Excel (2007 and later), that’s the format you want. Can you “save” OpenXML directly to PDF? No, it needs to be rendered by some third-party component. If you’re doing document … Read more

Converting Twitter bootstrap page into PDF with wkhtmltopdf : span issue

Here is solution for Bootstrap3: Use .col-xs-n always. The reason is wkhtmltopdf didnt support css in @media block. In bootstrap3, only col-xs-n rule outside @media block. I’ve checked the bootstrap2.3.2 css, seems spanN rules always be inside @media block. So an ugly solution would be copied out all spanN rules into top level to another … Read more

How to convert/save d3.js graph to pdf/jpeg

To display your svg within a canvas, you first have to convert it using a parser/renderer utility such as (code adapted from: Convert SVG to image (JPEG, PNG, etc.) in the browser, not tested) // the canvg call that takes the svg xml and converts it to a canvas canvg(‘canvas’, $(“#my-svg”).html()); // the canvas … Read more