Why is Tensorflow not recognizing my GPU after conda install?

August 2021 Conda install may be working now, as according to @ComputerScientist in the comments below, conda install tensorflow-gpu==2.4.1 will give cudatoolkit-10.1.243 and cudnn-7.6.5 The following was written in Jan 2021 and is out of date Currently conda install tensorflow-gpu installs tensorflow v2.3.0 and does NOT install the conda cudnn or cudatoolkit packages. Installing them … Read more

Bind Path variables to a custom model object in spring

Spring MVC offers the ability to bind request params and path variables into a JavaBean, which in your case is Venue. For example: @RequestMapping(value = “/venue/{city}/{place}”, method = “GET”) public String getVenueDetails(Venue venue, Model model) { // venue object will be automatically populated with city and place } Note that your JavaBean has to have … Read more

Error in setting JAVA_HOME

JAVA_HOME should point to jdk directory and not to jre directory. Also JAVA_HOME should point to the home jdk directory and not to jdk/bin directory. Assuming that you have JDK installed in your program files directory then you need to set the JAVA_HOME like this: JAVA_HOME=”C:\Program Files\Java\jdkxxx” xxx is the jdk version Follow this link … Read more

‘NODE_OPTIONS’ is not recognized as an internal or external command

Use cross-env package which easily sets environment variables. Step 1: Install cross-env from npm npm i cross-env In your package.json file (In this example your need is to run ‘start’ command which has ‘NODE_OPTIONS’) { “name”: “your-app”, “version”: “0.0.0”, “scripts”: { … “start”: “NODE_OPTIONS=<your options> <commands>”, } } Step 2 Add ‘cross-env’ in the script … Read more

Spring MVC: how to indicate whether a path variable is required or not?

VTTom`s solution is right, just change “value” variable to array and list all url possibilities: value={“https://stackoverflow.com/”, “/{id}”} @RequestMapping(method=GET, value={“https://stackoverflow.com/”, “/{id}”}) public void get(@PathVariable Optional<Integer> id) { if (id.isPresent()) { id.get() //returns the id } }
