A way to implement partial classes in java

There is nothing like partial classes in Java. You can achieve many of the same benefits using aggregation, delegation, and abstract base classes. (I have caved to peer pressure and eliminated the “thankfully” remark that has generated so much heat in the comments. Evidently that little aside seems to have earned me four downvotes, despite … Read more

If a partial class inherits from a class then all other partial classes with the same name should also inherit the same base class?

That’s a single class defined across multiple declarations, not two different classes. You only need to define the inheritance model in a single declaration, e.g.: public class Foo { } //Bar extends Foo public partial class Bar : Foo { } public partial class Bar { } However, if you were to try the following, … Read more

Partial Class Constructors

C# does support the feature of partial methods. These allow a partial class definition to forward declare a method that another part of the partial class can then optionally define. Partial methods have some restrictions: they MUST be of void type (no return) they CANNOT accept out parameters, they can however accept ref parameters they … Read more

How to extend DbContext with partial class and partial OnModelCreating method in EntityFramework Core

EFCore 3 – They FINALLY fixed this! You can now implement OnModelCreatingPartial in a partial class like this. Note the partial keyword on both the class and method: public partial class RRStoreContext : DbContext { partial void OnModelCreatingPartial(ModelBuilder builder) { builder.Entity<RepeatOrderSummaryView>().HasNoKey(); } } If you look at the generated context file – right at the … Read more

Override Default Constructor of Partial Class with Another Partial Class

I had a similar problem, with my generated code being created by a DBML file (I’m using Linq-to-SQL classes). In the generated class it calls a partial void called OnCreated() at the end of the constructor. Long story short, if you want to keep the important constructor stuff the generated class does for you (which … Read more