JavaFX Project Structure

IMHO, you shouldn’t create package’s depending on your views. My approach towards such applications A package for corresponding controllers of these views Different packages for service(business) and dao(persistence) layer, if exists A directory for resources such as images, css etc A directory for FXML files called view in the resources src/main ├──java ├── controllers ├── … Read more

How to Organise a Domain Driven Design Project?

I try to keep things very simple whenever I can, so usually something like this works for me: Myapp.Domain – All domain specific classes share this namespace Myapp.Data – Thin layer that abstracts the database from the domain. Myapp.Application – All “support code”, logging, shared utility code, service consumers etc Myapp.Web – The web UI … Read more

guidelines for where to put classes in Rails apps that don’t fit anywhere

Good question – i don’t have a concrete answer for you but I recommend checking out this post – – be sure to read through all the comments on a current project i have a ton of non-ActiveRecord objects under app/models, it works but not ideal i put ‘re-useable’ non application specific code under … Read more

C++ class header files organization

Some general guidelines: Pair up your interfaces with implementations. If you have foo.cxx, everything defined in there had better be declared in foo.h. Ensure that every header file #includes all other necessary headers or forward-declarations necessary for independent compilation. Resist the temptation to create an “everything” header. They’re always trouble down the road. Put a … Read more

Large backbone.js web app organization

I recently worked on a Backbone project called GapVis (code here, rendered content here). I don’t know if it’s “really large”, but it’s big-ish and relatively complex – 24 view classes, 5 routers, etc. It might be worth taking a look, though I don’t know that all my approaches will be relevant. You can see … Read more