ORA-01799: a column may not be outer-joined to a subquery

you can rewrite that by pushing the sub query so that its not outer joined: select Count(C.setid) from mycustomer C left outer join (select * from mycustoption co where co.effdt <= (select Max(COI.effdt) from mycustoption COI where COI.setid = co.setid and COI.cust_id = co.cust_id and COI.effdt <= sysdate)) co on ( C.setid = CO.setid and … Read more

Oracle SqlDeveloper JDK path

The message seems to be out of date. In version 4 that setting exists in two files, and you need to change it in the other one, which is: %APPDATA%\sqldeveloper\\product.conf Which you might need to expand to your actual APPDATA, which will be something like C:\Users\cprasad\AppData\Roaming. In that file you will see the SetJavaHome is … Read more

How to change settings for SQL Developer to correctly recognize current version of SDK

In windows 10, I needed to go to following folder and change following product.conf file and set SetJavaHome directive. %APPDATA%\sqldeveloper\<product-version>\product.conf in my machine: C:\Users\ati_o\AppData\Roaming\sqldeveloper\17.4.0\product.conf with following line. SetJavaHome C:\Tools\oraclejdk8 Thanks to comment from @thatjeffsmith, in MacOS or Linux/Unix, go to: $HOME/.sqldeveloper/<product-version>/product.conf to set same SetJavaHome directive.

How do I declare and use variables in PL/SQL like I do in T-SQL?

Revised Answer If you’re not calling this code from another program, an option is to skip PL/SQL and do it strictly in SQL using bind variables: var myname varchar2(20); exec :myname := ‘Tom’; SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Name = :myname; In many tools (such as Toad and SQL Developer), omitting the var and exec … Read more

Oracle SQLDeveloper on MacOS won’t open after installation of correct Java

The post above is right: SQLDeveloper only runs under Java 8. This is counter-intuitive as other programs runs under at least X version of a software (not only X version). I kept downloading Java 11 with no luck. After 1 failed attempt a month ago and two hours of searching today, I found this easy … Read more
