Not annotated parameter overrides @??? parameter

Explanation Although I can’t reproduce this on AbstractItemCountingItemStreamItemReader from this artifact implementation group: ‘org.springframework.batch’, name: ‘spring-batch-core’, version: ‘4.1.2.RELEASE’ , this annotation means that the parent method has some @NotNull / @NonNull annotation on the parameter, while the overriding method has no. To fix it, you need to put the same annotation on the overriding method. … Read more

“Cannot implicitly convert type ‘System.Guid?’ to ‘System.Guid’.” – Nullable GUID

The ADO.NET API has some problems when it comes to handling nullable value types (i.e. it simply doesn’t work correctly). We’ve had no end of issues with it, and so have arrived at the conclusion that it’s best to manually set the value to null, e.g. myNewRow.myGuidColumn = myGuid == null ? (object)DBNull.Value : myGuid.Value … Read more

Best way to represent Nullable member in C++? [duplicate]

You could look into Boost.Optional: struct Person { std::string Name; DateTime Birth; boost::optional<DateTime> Death; //… }; Your Death is “uninitialised” at first. You can then assign a value to it with =, like Death = myDateTime. When Death.is_initialized(), you can use Death.get(). Uninitialise it again with Death.reset(). For simple cases like this, though, it’s usually … Read more