Fill an ncurses window with a color

Please try bkgd, or wbkgd for specifying a window. First you have to enable color support with start_color(). And then define color pair. Example:init_pair(1,COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_RED) The order is pair_number, foreground, background Finally, set colors: wbkgd(WindowName, COLOR_PAIR(1)).

What is the difference between xterm-color & xterm-256color?

xterm-256color describes Xterm with support for 256 colors enabled. xterm-color describes an older branch of Xterm that supports eight colors. xterm-color is not recommended, since it describes a variant of Xterm that’s less functional and that you’re not likely to be using. Usually you’ll want to use xterm, xterm-16color or xterm-256color. In particular, xterm-256color is … Read more

How to make win32 console recognize ANSI/VT100 escape sequences in `c`?

[UPDATE] For latest Windows 10 please read useful contribution by @brainslugs83, just below in the comments to this answer. While for versions before Windows 10 Anniversary Update: ANSI.SYS has a restriction that it can run only in the context of the MS-DOS sub-system under Windows 95-Vista. Microsoft KB101875 explains how to enable ANSI.SYS in a … Read more

How can I hide the cursor in ncurses?

You need curs_set(0) To quote the man page: The curs_set routine sets the cursor state to invisible, normal, or very visible for visibility equal to 0, 1, or 2 respectively. If the terminal supports the visibility requested, the previous cursor state is returned; otherwise, ERR is returned.