How to auto login in MySQL from a shell script?

Alternative ways to write these options. You can write mysql -u “$MYSQL_ROOT” -p”$MYSQL_PASS” -e “SHOW DATABASES” If [password is] given, there must be no space between –password= or -p and the password following it. If no password option is specified, the default is to send no password. to pass empty strings as separate arguments. Your … Read more

single fixed table with multiple columns vs flexible abstract tables

Certain issues need to be clarified and resolved before we can enter into a reasonable discussion. Pre-requisite Resolution Labels In a profession that demands precision, it is important that we use precise labels, to avoid confusion, and so that we can communicate without having to use long-winded descriptions and qualifiers. What you have posted as … Read more

MySQL: check what version : 32 bit or 64 bit?

$ mysql –version mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.1.45, for apple-darwin10.2.0 (i386) using readline 6.2 $ echo ‘\s’ | mysql ————– mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.1.45, for apple-darwin10.2.0 (i386) using readline 6.2 Connection id: 105730 […] Server version: 5.1.41 MySQL Community Server (GPL) […] Uptime: 11 days 4 hours 2 min 6 sec Threads: 2 Questions: … Read more

Why to use foreign keys with no action on delete or update

I think you’re misunderstanding what ON DELETE NO ACTION means. It does not mean to suppress the foreign-key constraint. When you delete a record that is referred to by a foreign key, InnoDB has the ability to take an automatic action to rectify the situation: it can CASCADE, meaning, delete the referring record. (This would … Read more

When to use a left outer join?

Joins are used to combine two related tables together. In your example, you can combine the Employee table and the Department table, like so: SELECT FNAME, LNAME, DNAME FROM EMPLOYEE INNER JOIN DEPARTMENT ON EMPLOYEE.DNO=DEPARTMENT.DNUMBER This would result in a recordset like: FNAME LNAME DNAME —– —– —– John Smith Research John Doe Administration I … Read more

Laravel migration (errno: 150 “Foreign key constraint is incorrectly formed”)

Since increments() creates an unsigned integer column, you need to define the foreign key column as unsigned integer too. Default migrations in Laravel 6+ use bigIncrements(), so you need to use unsignedBigInteger() method: $table->unsignedBigInteger(‘order_id’); For default migrations in older versions of Laravel use unsignedInteger() method: $table->unsignedInteger(‘order_id’); Or: $table->integer(‘order_id’)->unsigned();
