Emacs error “Failed to initialize color list unarchiver” when I call it in the terminal

This is a known error for Emacs on macOS Mojave. Apparently Emacs has been using a deprecated, and now removed, API. You can follow the thread on the “emacs-devel” mailing list. Edit 25 JUL 2019: Since people still seem to be getting to this question, patches for this issue were pushed the emacs-26 branch as … Read more

macOS Mojave ‘ruby/config.h’ file not found

Note: this workaround works, but you can’t just copy/paste paths blindly. Instead, look at the error installation gave you. It will say something like To see why this extension failed to compile, please check the mkmf.log which can be found here: /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.6.0/extensions/universal-darwin-21/2.6.0/ffi-1.15.5/mkmf.log So open the log it mentions, and see what it can’t find. It … Read more

macOS Mojave, Automator “Not authorized to send Apple events to System Events.”

This is definitely a part of Mojave’s new security framework. In terminal try osascript -e ‘tell application “Finder”‘ -e ‘set _b to bounds of window of desktop’ -e ‘end tell’ and you may receive: 36:42: execution error: Not authorized to send Apple events to Finder. (-1743) What is supposed to happen on the first execution … Read more