error: Couldn’t IRGen expression, no additional error [duplicate]

I had same issue with Carthage. However while looking more closely at console I’ve spotted that Carthage instead of building RxSwift just downloaded pre-built binaries, *** Downloading RxSwift.framework binary at “Zürich” that in turn contribute to IRGen error. So forcing Carthage to build framework instead of downloading binary worked. carthage update –platform iOS –no-use-binaries

Open .NET Core 2.0 dump in lldb on Linux – which lldb version?

Quite old question, but maybe this helps someone: E.g. Dockerfile to include lldb and into asp dotnet 3.1 FROM WORKDIR /vsdbg RUN apt-get update \ && apt-get install -y –no-install-recommends \ unzip \ procps \ lldb-3.9 \ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \ && curl -sSL | bash /dev/stdin -v vs2019 -l /vsdbg WORKDIR … Read more