How to disable/enable network connection in c#

Found this thread while searching for the same thing, so, here is the answer 🙂 The best method I tested in C# uses WMI. Win32_NetworkAdapter on msdn C# Snippet : (System.Management must be referenced in the solution, and in using declarations) SelectQuery wmiQuery = new SelectQuery(“SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapter WHERE NetConnectionId != NULL”); ManagementObjectSearcher … Read more

How to git clone a repo in windows from other pc within the LAN?

You should use the command git daemon to host your repo, like this: In your computer that will act as a server: git daemon –base-path=<path_to_folder_containing_project_folder> –export-all (please note that path_to_folder_containing_project is the folder containing your projects folders, it will provide all projects under that folder) In your client: git clone git://<local ip>/<project name> The cloned … Read more

Error when trying to access XAMPP from a network [closed]

In your xampppath\apache\conf\extra open file httpd-xampp.conf and find the below tag: # Close XAMPP sites here <LocationMatch “^/(?i:(?:xampp|licenses|phpmyadmin|webalizer|server-status|server-info))”> Order deny,allow Deny from all Allow from ::1 ErrorDocument 403 /error/HTTP_XAMPP_FORBIDDEN.html.var </LocationMatch> and add “Allow from all” after Allow from ::1 {line} Restart xampp, and you are done. In later versions of Xampp …you can … Read more